
Festung Guernsey is the fifth mission in Sniper Elite 5‘s campaign. It takes you to the island of Guernsey which is occupied by the Nazis. They’re waiting for Operation Kraken to come to fruition, further bolstered by aid from Imperial Japan. Still, you might want to tag a few workbenches to unlock weapon upgrades and attachments. Here’s our Sniper Elite 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench locations guide to help you with the ones that you can find in Mission 5.

Note: For more information, check out our Sniper Elite 5 guides and features hub.


Sniper Elite 5 – Festung Guernsey Workbench locations guide (Mission 5)

The Workbench locations in the Festung Guernsey mission of Sniper Elite 5 can be seen in the map image below. While you can head out on your own, I suggest tackling each one in the following order: Rifle -> SMG -> Pistol. This is because of how you’ll progress in this mission, where reaching the first objective (the Underground Hospital) will reveal the other tasks.

Sniper Elite 5 Mission 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench Locations 1a

Rifle Workbench

You should see a church in the central section of the island. Check the side for vines that you can use to climb up to the steeple. This particular Rifle Workbench is important, as it unlocks better suppressor options for those who like stealthy kills.

Sniper Elite 5 Mission 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench Locations 1b

SMG Workbench

This one is just east of the Underground Hospital. Upon exiting it, you should see a construction site in the distance (which is also where you can eliminate a Kill List target).

Investigate the nearby house along the sloping path (you can either pick the lock or use Bolt Cutters). Once inside, go prone (hold the Ctrl key) to go through the crawlspace. Climb the ladder down to tag this Workbench. Lastly, don’t forget to shoot the Gnome Guard for a collectible tally.

Sniper Elite 5 Mission 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench Locations 2

Pistol Workbench

After your trek to Battery Mirus, you’ll learn about another base to the northwest. When you get there, you’ll see a tank and several soldiers guarding the bunker’s entrance.

Snp El5 M5 Wk5 1a

Now, the bunker itself is where your main objective lies. Instead of entering it, you should make your way to the trenches off to the side.

In one of the small nooks, you’ll find the Pistol Workbench. Interact with it to complete the tally for all Sniper Elite 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench locations.

Snp El5 M5 Wk5 1b

Sniper Elite 5 is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.


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